Sunday, April 12, 2009

Today We Remember

In a tiny instant of madness, terror seemed to take the place of Love. Crucifixion seemed to have meaning. Wholeness seemed but a dream.

Imprisoned by fear, we but continue to forget. That’s all.

Today We Remember.

Today we remember that Love casts out all fear. Today we remember that attack has no real effect. Today we remember the Self that seemed but a dream.

Resurrection is remembering. It is the undoing of guilt that shines away all pain, all suffering, and all terror. In an instant of decision, the memory of Love, undivided, resurrects in a mind willing and free. Resurrection is the dawning on your mind of what is already in it.

Happy Easter Everybody.


  1. Thank you D.

    And thanks, as always, for the advice. I will be ok either way. I seem to forget that quite a lot, don't I?

    Today... I will remember.

  2. The thing I'm remembering more is what not to do. Worry is useless, anger is burden, fear is a shadow. I'm learning to not study these things, I'm willing to let them go. It feels good.

  3. I having more reminders. I was pondering(see aslo, worrying, mulling, fretting) about work when suddenly I had this feeling like I was looking at a scrim through which I could see a flash of light. My ponderings are becoming shorter and shorter. This time shrinking idea is becoming more real for me. I get that it's mind vision/awareness that is waking up. The sermon at church yesterday started out as a resurrection story but developed into a story of a "wounded god" weeping along with our woes. I don't normally do this but I just sort of ignored it as it was happening. See you later.

  4. Thanks for sharing your experience, Bob. Being open to reminders is key, and it is all reminders! Same goes for the "wounded god". Even the Course references God's tears. Of course, this has no meaning in Reality, but for some, it is a useful symbol. As a reminder, it is useful for all.

  5. Speaking of reminders, I was taking my daughter to school and I told her that I felt like I was not paying enough attention to her and her sister and my wife and that I wanted to have a meal with them like we used to have. In her usual one-liner way she said, " Oh, let's not, that just means I'd have to do the dishes." My first reaction was hurt (see 'wounded god') then after a while I looked over at her and she had this little sly smile of hers and I got the joke. She is so wicked funny that way. I was just fine after that.

  6. Remembering to laugh is Forgiveness. Forgiveness undoes guilt. Guilt is the source of pain. If only, we could always remember to remember! :) Thanks for being our teacher, Bob.

  7. I love the timeless-ness of this blog. It's never too late to REMEMBER!
