Friday, January 23, 2009

An Extra Point for Missouri

The Course speaks of our “little willingness” as the one requirement for peace of mind. As we have all experienced, “little” isn’t always so little. On the heels of yesterday’s post, I was reminded of a great little story about an Indian mystic and his approach to the subject.

How willing are you?

One morning a frustrated student approached his teacher, “You’ve said that my willingness was the only obstacle between me and enlightenment. Teacher, I’m willing, yet I don’t feel enlightened. How willing must I be?” The master simply requested that the student meet him at the river the following morning. Nothing else was said. The student, of course, had no idea what was to come, but he expected some sort of advanced dunking, washing, or maybe a bath. He’d always heard that cleanliness was next to godliness.

The next morning, without a word, the master motioned the student into the river. Placing his hands upon his head, he slowly guided the student under the calm waters. Fifteen seconds passed, and the master held firm. The student’s mind was filled with questions. What the heck was this all about? Why am I in the river? Why did I have to get up so early? Thirty seconds passed. The student began to wonder what the point was. He tried to remain calm and open to the experience, but he wanted a breath. He searched his oxygen-deprived brain for meaning.

After a minute, the student began to struggle violently for the surface. The master held firm, forcing the student deeper into the river’s lesson. At this point, the student began to panic. He could think of nothing but getting his next gasp of air. His mind became solely focused. The master let go. Upon surfacing, the student heard the master’s voice, “That willing.”

You will remember everything the instant you desire it wholly... (T.10.I.4:1)


  1. "Solely focused".... Now THAT's willing.

    Great story!


  2. Maybe that should have been "soul-ly" focused. :)

  3. A great motivating post.
    "He who is firm in will,moulds the the world to himself."
    Thanks for sharing.
